Tuesday, August 28, 2007


W has an ex. They do pretty well getting along and have been trying to re-define their relationship. Every morning she brings the dogs before mentioned in previous post over to be be babysat - dogs coming to be babysat. I know, the dogs are the ones who suffer the most in a divorce.

Anyway, she never sees me or speaks to me, all done so as to be sensitive to her feelings. whatever - Anyway, this week, we just found out she is having this art sale thingy at her house, the same art sale that W used to put on when she lived there, to help promote her art business. This made W very mad (me too). They have been "fighting" this week. I swear, W tries hard to get along with her, and now this??? It has left me feeling really crappy inside. Just the same crappy feeling I used to have when my XH wasing suing me for 3,000 dollars earlier this year, and the same sick crappy feeling that I had when his snake lawyer was using loop holes to take money from my kids when they were with me. Just plain old awful anger. I am not normally an angry person, nor do I like it when people are mad at me, in fact, I hate it. I just like everybody to be happy and get along, is that too much to ask? (yes, it is W tells me)

Anyway, I hate that angry feeling. It is like a toxic poisonous feeling inside me. Last year, when the snake lawyer was doing all that stuff, I had a dream that I shot him. That dream was disturbing to me because I am usually such a soft non-angry person.
Anyway, no dreams yet of killing W's ex. .......yet.


KellyNerd said...

gosh... all these ex's ... i dont know many people that aren't having problems with one ex or another ...

hoo hoo said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll be coming back to yours often!

Lipglossles said...

Hey, that's why the are X's; we always hope to X them out of our lives...but we can't :-( I know how you feel :-(