Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Back in the saddle

Well, I was dreading getting back to school (my teaching job), but was quite surprised yesterday that it was easier than I had thought it would be, and getting back into the routine feels nice, actually. I loved having the long break with my kids, but am glad they are with their dad for a couple of days. Too many dogs and kids for too many days is what I say. Last night was very nice. W and I took the dogs for a long walk, then took them home to their other momma, then we went to RP for a nice dinner and a couple of cosmos! Yeah! The dinner was good, the cosmos were even better, the company even better. W's principle came into her class unexpected yesterday. W just though she was observing. Come to find out it was a formal observation! She was supposed to be able to know about that ahead of time. She would have been freaked if she knew what was going on at the time. Anyway, seems she did ok, although the formal written evaluation has not been seen yet. W needed a drink! and I enjoyed one too. We came back and started to watch Medium but had to turn it off for the show was just too disturbing last night. What is it with TV these days? I miss Seinfeld, and Will and Grace. What ever happened to a good comedy. Everything is either reality shows or some dark creepy police drama about murders and s__t. Anyway, the night did turn out good after the TV went off.
Now it is off to teach the crazy children again today. Wish me luck on my second day back.

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