Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wii training?

I spent many hours with my sons playing the Wii over the Christmas break. The sports ones were my favorites. Tennis was impossible for me to control, but the bowling and the boxing were so fun. However, after playing Wii boxing for about an hour one day, I noticed that I was quite sore the next day. I tried to figure out what in the world I had done to get so sore. Then it dawned on me... It was Wii! The kids would make fun of me when I was boxing because I would practically hit one of them who was in the way. They just gently moved their controllers while I swung and dodged like a Ty Bo class. I guess it was a good work out. Or, I am just terribly out of shape. I think it was the latter. Now the Wii is gone back to their dad's house. Now me and my wife shall settle in with a glass of wine to watch the first season of the L word. woo hoo! kid free for another night!

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