Monday, July 23, 2007

A busy day

I had such a busy day at work today, could not read blogs like I want. But at least the day went by fast. I spent the first part of the day feeling very distressed about my weight gain. I have put back all the weight that I'd lost during my going through hell anxiety because I was gay/getting divorced/went through 3 jobs in a year/worried the jerk XH would take me to court and I'd get a bigotted judge/ all of that caused me to be extremely anxious, thus losing weight. Now the anxiety/fear is gone, I'm settling in seeing that I'll be ok, the kids will be ok, and presto: Weight returns..... but I'll take that over anxiety from hell any day. And to think ladies, I didn't even take any drugs to get through it (though I should have) .......

1 comment:

Samantha Adkins said...

Wow...I love alot of weight over the year long divorce I went thru. I unfortunately have put all of it back on! UGH...Damn it!!!

Yes I am reading all your posts :)