Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Aren't they cute!

I know, i've gone a little crazy tonight - but W went to bed and fell asleep before the kids, so normally I go to bed at the same time and we talk or cuddle or ?? if the kids aren't here. But tonight I am staying up blogging and surfing since she is passed out in there anyway.

But look at the cute find she got for me the other day at an antique shop. We just love ot collect dishes, and especially dishes from the fifties. We found these turquoise plastic dishes! Aren't they cute? and aren't we so domestic. Tomorrow I may do a post about what we call each oher, not us in particular, but all of us. I just hate the word partner, and girlfriend sounds so juvenile, don't you think? well for later.


Keri said...

I'm so curious about what you call each other...

Very cute dishes!

titration said...

yeah on the car (from my blog) and I agree very cute dishes. :) A friend of mine just posted about a tea pot that exact color. I think that must be a popular color right now.

titration said...

O and yes do post on "what we call each other" that'd be a fun topic.