Wednesday, August 8, 2007

vacations and hoping for miracles

Nothing much happening today. I'm excited because W and I are going out of town this weekend to see some friends and have some "us" time. She has had a very busy summer with her summer day camps she puts on. In one of the last weeks, she had 35 kids! Yikes. After 7 weeks of that, she needs a vacation. Today my boys get picked up from school by her and we have them for 2 nights before they go back to their dad. Things are reasonably well between he and I, considering. But he does not like to communicate. That really bugs me, I'll email and ask a question and it's 3 or 4 days before he'll answer, if he answers. I only communicate about the kids. Well, that's ok for now. Hopefully it will get better.

My youngest got the teacher I wanted this year.

But keep my oldest's teacher in your prayers. She found out at the end of last school year that her 7 yr old son has a malignant brain tumor. It is a very rare, almost always adult cancer, in a very bad part of his brain. He was selected for a "make a wish" vacation and they are there now. And on top of all that, her dad died suddenly last week. She and her family are such nice people. Maybe if we all pray for a miracle...

for now,


Samantha said...

Good luck to the family you mentioned. That is too sad. I will call you soon - this is your old friend in Atlanta. Tough week - was outed by my siblings to my scary dad yesterday. Fun was had by all (not). Retired military men do not enjoy this apparently. Especially when their daughter is married to a man, and has an affair with a woman.

L said...

Hey you. glad to finaly hear from you ... Penelope ...I like it. I was hoping you were ok. I still have not saved your number in my phone so I can't ever remember it in my car. I just finished reading Harry Potter to my 8 yr old. Things are good here. I hope you are hanging in there. Your dad sounds a little scary, why did your siblings do that? I only had scary XH to deal with. my family was not such a big issue. You know who you are. you are handling all of this with dignity and grace so don't worry about him.
Is he more mad about the affair part or the being gay part?
call me.